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A Successful Semester Studying Abroad in 格勒诺布尔, 法国

by 佩顿特
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在适应国际学生的生活时, 除了新的课程材料,还有更多的东西要学. 从我下飞机的那一刻起 法国, I began learning aspects of a new culture and experiencing the challenges of understanding a new language.  


The 科学 Po 格勒诺布尔 building is where all my 类 take place—our mascot is a yeti! 



After the first two weeks, when Integration Week at 科学 Po 格勒诺布尔 ended, I began learning new administrative processes, new teaching styles, and new ways of grading. 在信息的浪潮中, ensuring all my ducks were in a row could have been an overwhelming process.  

A study abroad 学生 standing in front of a screen and professor

Discussing administrative local strata in 法国 with Professor Marcou in his 法国 State, 机构, 及社会课程. 

根据我的经验, 东航卡帕 made adjusting to the French academic system nearly seamless. 在准备这学期的国外生活时, 东航卡帕 told me what to expect regarding my academic program. Having been forewarned about the slower pace of French administration, 法语评分标准的细微差别, and the volume of a typical French 学生’s class schedule, 格勒诺布尔政治学院的一切都很令人惊讶. 而东航卡帕帮助我把滑雪板踩在脚下, it became my responsibility to control how I’d ride down the slope of this study abroad semester.  

A group of study abroad 学生s standing outside a building

Visiting the French Revolution Museum during Integration Week with other international 科学 Po 学生s. 

我在巴黎政治学院的时候, I recognized a few rhythms that helped me have a successful academic experience. Foundationally, as was the case when I studied at my home university in the U.S.平衡是至关重要的. Relationships, recreation, and responsibilities should each receive their dues. 


Enjoying some sweet tea after hiking to the top of the Fort de la Bastille in 格勒诺布尔 during Integration Week with 科学 Po. 


From the start of my semester, building relationships gave me a foundation to build on. The people I met made an immense impact on helping me feel more connected and engaged while living in a new country.  


Riding the tram to campus with my roommate who also studies at 科学 Po. 

Tangentially, building relationships while studying abroad also provides a unique opportunity to 建立终身友谊 和来自世界各地的人在一起. 我没料到会遇到这么多国际学生, 但现在, 我可以感激地说,我有来自立陶宛的朋友, 芬兰, 意大利、巴西、 爱尔兰 rkiye,和 捷克共和国


Taking time to study before class in the 科学 Po library with my friend. 


其次, 无论你在哪里学习, I suggest you invest time in unearthing the cultural gems of your study abroad destination.  


欣赏里昂壁画, a mural depicting about thirty prominent figures who made Lyon what it is today, including faces like Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the Lumière brothers. 

Learning about the 历史 and culture of your location can help you make connections with the local grocer, 销售人员, 学生, 或教授.  

A group of study abroad 学生s sitting on a ledge looking at a city

I rode the bubbles to the top of the historical Fort de la Bastille in 格勒诺布尔 for a 东航卡帕 excursion. 

对我来说, learning about the 历史 of 格勒诺布尔 proved beneficial in the classroom when my professor makes a reference to French culture or 历史.  


最后, 根据我的经验, investing in academics is equally as valuable as investing in people and culture. Learning my field of study in another country alongside other international 学生s is allowing me to see 政治科学 从多个角度看.  


Taking notes in Professor Petiteville’s Change in Global Politics course at 科学 Po. 

另外, because all my 政治科学-based courses were taught in English, I fully engaged in class discussions while still practicing my 法语 skills in my 法语 class, 当然是用法语教的吗!  

A study abroad professor standing in front of a table with study abroad 学生s sitting at a table

Spending an evening at the 东航卡帕 office in 格勒诺布尔 to learn about French food culture! 

回顾我的留学学期 格勒诺布尔的东航卡帕团队, 我交的朋友, 以及巴黎政治学院的教授们, made me feel more confident and independent as an international 学生.   

佩顿特 是格勒诺布尔的内容创作者-摄影师吗, 法国, 目前就读于西达维尔大学.
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